Shreyanshi Traders

Camphor Is Very Useful In Many Industries And Is Very Beneficial

Posted by Admin on February, 22, 2022

Sometimes when you enter into the worship room of your house you can smell the lovely smell of camphor wafting from it. It is used in most Indian households as an item of worship. It is available as tablets and is mostly used in that form. Now have you ever wondered how that camphor was made?

What Is Camphor?

Camphor is a highly flammable object that is waxy and solid in nature. It has a very pungent and strong aroma. This camphor is taken from the wood of the camphor laurel tree which is a very big evergreen tree that is native to South East Asia. Not only are the camphor laurel tree but there some other trees from that family which can produce the substance – camphor. It can also be found in the Kapur tree, also a native of South East Asia.

Many trees like the rosemary and camphorweed also contain camphor. But the most important source of camphor in Asia is the camphor basil. But with the advent of modern technology, camphor can be artificially produced also today. It is manufactured from turpentine oil.

The Process Of Manufacturing Of Camphor

For many centuries now, camphor is known to mankind as a blessing of nature found in the forests. The wood that is taken from the trees that have been mentioned above is cut into small chips and roasted. It is then made to pass through steam in a pressed form. The vapours that are released as a consequence are then condensed.

But this method of obtaining camphor depleted the resources with only Taiwan and Japan having large reserves of trees to manufacture camphor in other forms as well as white Camphor powder. So the artificial method was introduced to fill in the demand-supply gap.

Although it is not a very good substitute for the natural camphor, yet the world has to make do with the artificial variety because of its near extinction and depletion from the reserves of most countries.

Uses Of Camphor

Camphor has a high sublimating property that makes it suitable for use in certain industries. It is used in the plastic industry as a plasticizer to make celluloid and lacquers.

Again camphor is used in the pesticide manufacturing industry. Camphor has toxicity and a pungent smell that acts as a deterrent to insects and pests. For keeping pests and insects away from clothes and cupboards, mothballs will do, but sometimes camphor is also used in its place. The oil that is extracted from camphor helps to keep away the fiery red ants by debilitating their attacking, feeding and climbing abilities.

It is also used as a fumigant and in religious worships & various festivals. It has antimicrobial properties that make it suitable as an embalming agent as was used by the ancient Egyptians for their mummies.

When in the solidified form, it releases a fume that prevents rust-prone items from rusting because of the coating that it makes on the item. So, when storing tools and various other items, which are rust-prone, make sure to put a few balls or tablets of camphor.

The perfume industry also uses camphor as an ingredient in its manufacturing process.

Camphor also had a great number of uses in the culinary world of some ancient civilizations. But one very important usage of camphor is in the medicinal world. It can relieve pain, clear congestions in the respiratory tract and act as an analgesic.

Where To Find Camphor?

Camphor can be found in the country today with many white Camphor powder Suppliers who are actively involved in ensuring that there is no dearth in the supply.

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